Sunday, January 4, 2009

Serafina67 Urgently Requires Life


Serafina67 DEFINITELY requires a life

This book was definitely not one of my favorite books. The book is told in blog entries and the book started off interesting and sounding like an average teenage girl's life but towards the end it started to lose it's realism and also started to get less interesting. It took me forever to read it because I would always either fall asleep while reading it or not bother to read it at all when I had time to read. I tried hard to like it but you can never force yourself to actually like a book. Either you like it or you don't and I definitely did not like this book. At the end all it sounded like to me was a teenage girl babbling about how sorry her life waz instead of actually saying interesting stories about her life. Also what lost the book for me was the acronyms they used. Me being a teen I know about all the acronyms used such as when I text and I say stuff like ttyl, brb, ect. But the acronyms used in this story waz so weird and confused me so bad I had to but the book down and think about it before I went on so the book could make sense to me. But when I never got what it meant I waz just confused for that part of the story. What I recommend the author should have done to prevent that was probably put a key at the beginning of the book and say what each acronym meant. But of course they didn't do that which left me confused for most of the book. Also the comments that the main character and her online friends would leave each other would be about stuff not mentioned in the book and/or blogs that the main character wrote so that made the book even more confusing. I looked at other books the author, Susie Day, had written and saw that she didn't have much experience at writing books that were actually interesting especially to teens. "Serafina67 Urgently Requires Life" was her most interesting book out of the whole lot of books she has written which is quite sad because this book isn't that interesting. So I suggest you don't read this book (unless you are interested in reading book that are half good and half terrible) or any of the other books Susie Day has written. Trust me you don't want to waste your money on this book.


overall book rating: 2 stars**

  1. series excellence: 3 stars***
  2. writing: 5 stars*****
  3. characters: 4 stars****
  4. story: 2 stars**
  5. realism: 3 stars***
  • IT IS
  1. edgy: 1 star*
  2. emotional: 1 star*
  3. unforgettable: 1 star*
  4. challenging: 1 star*
  5. thrilling: 1 star*
  1. just for fun: 5 stars*****
  2. discussion: 1 star*
  3. rereading: 2 stars**
  4. finding yourself: 1 star*
  5. sharing with friends: 2 stars**

Serafina67 Urgently Requires Life by Susie Day: Book Cover


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